7 Unconventional Ways to Boost Your Digital Marketing + BONUS

Syed Riyaz Uddin
5 min readDec 21, 2023

Not your traditional “use long-tail keywords” or “target specific niche” tips

If you’re already familiar about basic digital marketing techniques like search engine optimization, social media marketing, or keyword analysis, and want to get big bang for small bucks, I’ve laid out a few non-traditional marketing techniques I’ve used that might surely give a kick to your marketing efforts.

#1 Embrace the Underdog: Target Platforms with Less Demand but a Growing Audience

Move over, Google! It’s time to give some love to the underappreciated Bing search engine. While everyone else is busy fighting for the top spot-on Google, why not explore the less crowded and potentially lucrative space on Bing? Your audience may be smaller, but it’s growing, and you might just find a diamond in the rough.


#2 Low-Cost, High-Volume Keywords: The Budget-Friendly Gems

Who says you need to break the bank to get noticed? Embrace the power of low-cost, high-volume keywords. These little gems may not be as flashy as their high-cost counterparts, but they can work wonders for your digital marketing strategy without burning a hole in your pocket. Plus, who doesn’t love a good bargain?

#3 Content, Content, Content: Publish a Lot of Quality Content

In the digital marketing world, content is king, and it’s time to treat it like royalty. Pump out a ton of good-quality content that will keep your audience coming back for more. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, or quirky memes, the key is to keep them engaged and entertained.

shiromanikant on unsplash.com

#4 Be the Problem-Solver: Resolve Your Customer’s Problems with Your Posts

Why be just another voice in the digital marketing cacophony when you can be the problem-solver extraordinaire? Use your articles and posts to address your customers’ pain points and provide them with valuable solutions. Not only will you be their hero, but you’ll also earn their trust and loyalty.

#5 Rub Shoulders with Rising Stars: Engage with Growing Influencers

No more Kardashians! It’s time to cozy up to the rising stars of social media. Engage with growing influencers who may not have millions of followers (yet) but have a dedicated and rapidly expanding audience. Partnering with these influencers can give your brand a fresh and authentic appeal that resonates with their growing fan base.

Malte Helmhold on unsplash.com

#6 Embrace the Power of Video Marketing

In the age of short attention spans, why not switch things up with some engaging video content? Whether it’s behind-the-scenes glimpses, quirky animations, or entertaining how-to guides, video marketing can add a whole new dimension to your digital marketing strategy. Plus, who doesn’t love a good cat video?

#7 Playful Personalization: Inject Humor and Personality into Your Brand

Who says digital marketing has to be all serious and buttoned-up? Inject a healthy dose of humor and personality into your brand. Whether it’s through witty social media posts, playful email campaigns, or offbeat brand voice, a touch of humor can make your brand more relatable and memorable.

WordAdAI — Generate Articles/Posts Instantly

If you’re looking for a little extra help in implementing these unconventional strategies, consider leveraging the power of WordAdAI (wordadai.com), an AI-based social media post and article generator. WordAdAI empowers you to create compelling articles, engaging social media posts, and eye-catching visuals in just a few seconds. With its advanced algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, WordAdAI can help you save time and effort in crafting content that resonates with your audience.

Wordadai.com | Generate Articles and Posts In Seconds

By using WordAdAI, you can streamline your content creation process, ensuring that you have a consistent and impactful presence across various digital platforms. Whether it’s generating attention-grabbing headlines, crafting persuasive calls to action, or producing visually stunning images, WordAdAI can be a valuable ally in your marketing journey.

BONUS: Unleash Guerilla-Style Specific Titles to Capture Attention

In the world of digital marketing, standing out is key, and nothing does this quite like guerilla-style specific titles. Think “40% off on peanut butter” or “We clean your clothes, not your pockets” (witcher3 reference IYKYK) — these are the attention-grabbing, unconventional tactics that only a few companies dare to use.

Credits: marketingbirds.com

Much like the bold move by Plivo, which strategically places ads when users search for a competitor like “Twilio API,” saying “we are better” or “#1 twilio alternatives”. These guerilla-style specific titles demand attention and spark curiosity.

By leveraging this approach, you can disrupt the digital landscape and seize the spotlight in unexpected ways. Whether it’s through catchy headlines, bold statements, or strategic ad placements, guerilla-style marketing can be a game-changer for your brand. So, why not take a page from the playbook of the bold few who embrace this unconventional tactic and make your mark in the digital realm?


So, there you have it! Eight unconventional ways to shake up your digital marketing strategy and inject some humor along the way. Embrace the quirky, the offbeat, and the unexpected, and watch your audience grow in ways you never imagined. And with the assistance of wordadai.com, you can make your marketing journey even more efficient and effective. After all, who says marketing can’t be fun?



Syed Riyaz Uddin

UX Designer, Programmer and App Developer. Aiming to make things simple, beautiful and fun | Connect with me @ spotverge.com